Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Made it safe and sound!

We're here! We got in Tuesday evening about 6pm to the Doha Airport with no problems. All our luggage made it with us without a scratch. The flight was very enjoyable, as Rachel and I both managed to sleep 9 hours of the 12 hour flight! Once we arrived we were greeted by Jeff (Rachel's boss) and Jon and Julie Chase (our friends who are also over here). They took us to our new apartment. After getting our 300lbs of stuff into the apartment, we relaxed a bit and then went to dinner with Jon and Julie at a place called Hot Chicken. They had the largest and most varried menu I've ever seen! Indian food, Chinese food, Middle Eastern food, "American food" including a chicken nugget sandwich, as well as almost any kind of fresh juice you can imagine. The 4 of us stuffed ourselves all for about $20, a total bargain considering the juices alone would have been that much in the states! We got home after that and started the slow process of unpacking which we are still working on today, luckily it's mostly clothes and a few other things. We're getting ready to head out to Carfour, a French version of a super Walmart and pick up a few things that weren't provided. Aparently fully furnished doesn't mean it has trashcans!

PS. Feel free to pass this on to anyone who'd be interested!


  1. Chicken nuggets as a sandwich is a wonderful idea!!! Seen any interesting versions of grilled cheese yet?

  2. No trashcans?? I have always wondered exactly what fully furnished means! I hope you had fun at Carfour
